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HBOT PROS hyperbarics chamber and benefits
HBOT PROS hyperbarics chamber and benefits

Welcome to HBOT Pros

let's start breathing agian

HBOT PROS hyperbarics chamber and benefits

Action Certified.

Crossfit  level 1 coach.

MMA Masters Certification.

Fourth degree Tae Kwon Do.

Second degree Hapkido.

Quick defense certified.

Created the Dragon Force Ninjas youth martial arts

Video game.

Founder of (TMA)

Traditional Mixed Arts.



Scott Grove is a Master Level martial artist and Certified personal trainer. He also created the Video game the Dragon Force Ninjas! He began instructing combat classes at the age of 16 and for the last 25 years he has been a martial arts and fitness club owner as well as a personal trainer.

He truly believes "Fitness saves lives!"

He has guest taught in local schools as well as hosted and spoke at seminars with as many as 500 participants and cherishes the opportunity to pass on what he has learned.

He specializes in scalable functional fitness training.